Below are links to galleries, materials, and services that are essential to my art making.
Francesco Lombardo is represented by Sugarlift
Rosemary brushes are a game changer. Their quality is unrivaled and their pricing is very reasonable. In the link below is a basic brush pack well suited for landscape and portraiture. These brushes are in high demand, so order what you can even if some are unavailable.
Rosemary & Co Brushes
Frank has been using this setup for all his plein-air adventures. It’s elegant design is lightweight and small, making it easy to transport. Below are links to the easel and accessories.
The New Wave U.go Pochade Box
This unique tool can help any painter mix colors for an entire composition in just minutes. The developers are always adding new features, and the accuracy has been very reliable. Frank uses it to help get an understanding of what the easiest base mixture would be for various subject matter, and then uses compliments and accents to manipulate that base mixture while painting.
PaintMaker Color Mixer
(analyzing a painting by Richard Schmid)
Frank uses Lascaux Fixative on all his charcoal work. This fixative can be applied in coats, does not darken the drawing, and is both re-workable and archival.